Quaalude Stories
Our last real contact with methaqualone!
The true story of Mr. & Mrs. Q having 4 real Quaaludes mailed to them in 2015
“Seen any Quaaludes lately?”
I’ll bet that half of all my customers’ emails have inquired about whether or not I’d heard about any Quaaludes in recent times.
My stock answer was always “I haven’t seen a Quaalude in 40 years!”
My response to that most common customer question changed in 2015, after the movie Wolf of Wall Street was released. Just like Jordan Belfort, someone shared their stash of ‘Ludes with me.
The Miami New Times ran an article about my local business “quaaludebottle.com“. I gained many new customers after the Quaalude article ran, but then I got a call that wasn’t from my typical customer. In fact, I didn’t even know how he got my phone number.
After some small Quaalude talk the caller inquires “How’s the market for Quaaludes down there?”. I told him I hadn’t seen a ‘Lude down here in many years. We chatted a bit, then he offered to mail me a few capsules of methaqualone. I thanked him but didn’t really take him too seriously.
A suspicious package
About a week later, my wife handed me a package, mailed from a small town in upstate New York . Inside was an envelope and a handwritten note “Hi there. As promised, I have enclosed a few vitamins for you. Whatever you do PLEASE DON’T THROW THEM OUT! I’ll call in a few days to follow-up and chat.”
The envelope contained 4 tan capsules. What a delightful dilemma to have! Should we take them? In the name of science, my wife volunteered to take one on the spot, . I questioned her sanity since it could’ve been rat poison or cyanide, sent from someone whose loved one may have succumb to the ravishes of Quaaludes years ago!
Talk is cheap! My buddies, I did Ludes with back in the day, attempted to get me to indulge but refused to volunteer.
Dilemma unresolved. My Lude supplier called back a week later. Understanding our concerns about our safety, he suggested taking the pills to a lab for analysis. Easier said than done since it wouldn’t be prudent to walk into a lab with street pills.
A little help from our friends…
A longtime customer, who bought ten Quaalude bottles as gifts for long-ago “Quaalude distributors” was a peddler down here in Miami back in the day. He paid a chemist from Germany $10,000. back in ’79 for a batch of methaqualone powder. Got busted and did some time.
I called him. He shared my skepticism about the package from New York but offered to reach out to a good friend at a lab in Miami. After he contacted his old friend, he told me to mail one of the methaqualone caps to his old friend. Placing one of the pills on a bed of cotton inside a small jewelry box, my idea of some humor, I shipped it off to the chemist.
My customer called back a week later. “It’s real, 100% methaqualone! How many more do you have?” Agreeing he had earned a capsule for his service, left one for both my wife and me to savor on our anniversary that coming Sunday during our weekly visit to the beach.
Revisiting an old friend
After arriving at Hollywood Beach, my wife reflected (a seldom activity for her) and advised “If we get really fucked-up at the beach, will you be able to drive home?”. Cooler heads prevailed. We decided to postpone the Big Drop until safe at home. After putting away the beach paraphernalia, I found the wife upstairs with an expression on her face not seen in 30 years; the blank stare, slurred speech, shit-eatin grin. “Damn, you ate your ‘Lude already?”
Quickly downing my methaqualone capsule with a glass of orange juice, I joined my wife in Quaalude Heaven, and our bliss lasted long into the evening. Later that night, my wife reflected that she wished she had only done a half so that she would have another half to do again. The next day, I called a buddy to share my latest ‘Lude experience and how outstanding it was. He laughingly responded, “Hey, we had this conversation yesterday, don’t you remember?” Turns out many of my pals were enjoying the memories after a call from me, under the influence. I bet you can remember a few Quaalude calls late at night!
A few days later, my wife was speechless after I admitted I had “misplaced” the New York guy’s phone number. Ludes will have that affect on one! She didn’t talk to me for days. Losing touch with our New York friend, we are left with this true story to tell and more empty bottles to sell.
Is there any more fun still out there to be had? Let us know! And thanks in advance for sharing Your Quaalude Stories.
Enjoy the memories!™
Mr. Q
Your ‘Lude Tales
Quick! While the Synapses are still firing…
And what happened to you when when you took ’em?
Thanks in advance for Your Quaalude Stories. Feel free to browse the stories and submit your own message
about your memories with Quaaludes into the ether with a comment in the form below.
My friend Mickey and his family were going out of town for the weekend and he gave me the key to his house.
My girlfriend Beth and I went over there on a warm Georgia Saturday morning, each took a lude, and not knowing what to expect took a little walk down the street. As the compound seeped into our synapses we wisely decided to head back to the house.
Surprise surprise. We wound up underneath the sheets. The lovemaking was beyond comprehension. No boundary between our teenage bodies. The kisses were like tidal waves. The orgasms were like Nagasaki.
Spent, we slept until mid-afternoon. Then we went to Wendy’s for frosties.
Ate 2 and went to my 1st concert, Styx, @ The Hollywood Sportatorium, in SoFla., 1/20/79.
Added several beers in and threw up inside the arena. I remember the Grand Illusion, Renegade and Miss America.
That’s it. 2nd one was better, Van Halen 8/15/79, Cleveland, Ohio. And no quaaludes. Remember most of it.
I send this note to Mr. Q, sometimes we never find a job that is meaningful until others point it out.
Look at the letters that are sent here and know that for one moment, you’ve brought back a memory from 40 yrs ago that lights up a smile a mile wide to others.
BRAVO to you , Mr Q
The 714 parties of the late 70’s early 80’s.
Here in my hometown of Berlin New Jersey-located in the southern part of NJ there was a friend of mine that had a nice little home with plenty of space in the back–enough room to have large parties complete with bonfires-live music-and plenty of friendly people.
I remember everyone taking “Ludes” and just having a great relaxing time…boy do I miss the feeling that we were all experiencing during those parties.
Everyone in harmony together listening to music-making out-talking and just having the time of our lives, preparing to become adults.
Bring back the Ludes!
Howard, I randomly went to the website and just read your brief comments, and it took me back momentarily. However, I’m even more curious about you! I used to know a Howie Goldberg back in the day, who drove a cute Datsun 2000, and who popped Q’s day & night along with the rest of us. It’s been about 35 years or so, but might that be you?
We called them sopors. Ten cents apiece. Best times of my life 1970 in Ohio state campus. 71s and orange A/S. man!!!!
Delighted you have tee-shirts. I had an original, used Rorer 714 tee shirt, given to me as a gift sometime in the 1980s. Someone fucking stole that tee shirt from my home. They left me my other drug tee,a very nice one, made before methaqualone was the recreational drug of choice for many of us, and left my original rock and roll tee shirts (yes, I did work in the business for a brief period of time) but stole my fave shirt. Unlike yours, it simply had the Rorer 714 pill on the front. Perhaps you’d be willing to recreate that one!! But for now, yours will do quite happily as a replacement.
However, if any of you are or know the person who stole my favorite tee shirt…
This site was… how do you say it? Relevant!!
Finally I’ve found something which helped me.
Thank you!
We had a party and I happen to have a big, 500 pill bottle, of Quaaludes. Everyone got a ‘Lude as they entered the house after about an hour, another buddy is standing in my bedroom doorway and in his Quaalude drool tells me, “Hey man, I’m not getting off on your Ludes!”
He stumbles and falls into my gigantic bookcase, with stereo and all, collapsing everything into a big pile of junk. Someone shouts, “Hey, when do we get naked?”
I rip off my clothes and 50 people follow my lead, half in the pool, I don’t remember much after that except taking a shower with another buddy’s wife and someone’s girlfriend.
Another buyer of Quaalude merchandise used to travel back in the day, with the band Aerosmith. He was sent to 5 different states to get Quaalude scripts from Quaalude clinics. After visiting with his Quaalude clinics he would join up with the band and go on tour and provide Aerosmith with their Ludes.
I’m 59 going on 30 mentally, 102 health wise. I get more compliments on my Quaalude t-shirt and cap… it’s crazy.
Had my first joint at 14, my virgin valium at 16, and the race was on. In the late 70’s my best friend had a script for ‘ludes, and occasionally Tuinal, Seconal, and Nembutal… Such fun.
A guy he knew, that I swear was Wille Nelson’s doppelganger sold high-quality bootleg ‘ludes. They weren’t much weaker, and with my high tolerance (maybe the 6’8″ and 220 lb. thing).
I would take a couple to get motivated to mow the lawn. A lot of my friends went out after two and could never figure out how 10 in 24 hours never made me incoherent or even sleepy for that matter. They had the opposite effect on me, but I could maintain with rubber knees.
My family and friends tell me to write a book. I have many stories, including hitchhiking across the US with a perfectly good car and bike at home. I would have never experienced those things driving.
Kids today have no idea what they missed. In those days hippies would always pick up hippies on the road and often they were chicks. I don’t have to tell you the benefits of those encounters, but with ‘ludes it seemed that clothing removal and prone positions came much easier.
Me & Rich
Circa 1974. Me and my best buddy Rich were into music and guitars. We both just purchased, on the same day, a guitar, him a Rickenbacker Bass and me a Fender Strat! We’re talking 1973 CLASSIC guitars!
Well, back then ‘ludes were probably 2 for $1.00. We used to pop ‘ludes and jam.
Anyway, we were over a friends house with our guitars and over the course of 2 hours or so I managed to ingest 7 (yes—SEVEN) quaaludes!
When we left the house I was WASTED! I never put my guitar away in the case as I still had it strapped on me. When we got outside there were maybe 6 or 7 steps going down.
My friend was at the bottom of the steps and I decided to “jump” to the bottom, how dumb. Maybe if I was straight but you know…
As I jumped off the top step, gravity took over, I came down AHEAD of my guitar (a STRAT!!!!!!!) The guitar went up as I went down. My friend Rich let me fall but he made a PERFECT catch of my guitar as it soared over my head and into his arms!
Great catch, but I was left with a twisted ankle and some bruises. Damn, wish I still had that guitar! Such memories.
I was a junior in high school in ’73 and working at a local pharmacy in a small town in Mississippi. I had started out as a prescription delivery boy but got promoted to basically running the pharmacy operations. So they needed to hire a couple more delivery drivers, and I got a couple of my best pals the jobs.
We never stole meds from the pharmacy, however we stocked blank prescription pads from virtually every physician in an 8 county area. Which led one of my pals to start forging prescriptions for 714’s. He’d then go to the little pharmacies in little towns in the 8 county area, acting like a complete redneck with the pitch “My momma wonts this rescription filled.”
The act was brilliant and for probably going on a year, proceeded to rack up huge amounts of Ludes. Which eventually led to him dealing them, and the cops finally put 2+2 together. One day we were driving downtown with a bandaid box full of Ludes and the cops got behind us. A train was blocking our path and we had no option but to turn down the street where the police office was.
They hit the lights and my bud tossed the bandaid box of Ludes out the window. They wouldn’t have noticed if the bandaid box lid stayed shut, but no…it bounced on the sidewalk spilling dozens of Ludes on the sidewalk. They didn’t see them scattered at first but then spotted them after they stopped us. They searched us, claimed the Ludes were ours (even though we weren’t in possession of them) and tossed us in jail.
Well they didn’t search us very well, and once we were in the cell Captain Quaalude produces 6 out of his pocket. Needless to say we slept well in my 1st and only night in jail, but the Script busting empire was shut down.
Long live the ’70s!
Wow, the 70’s. Definitely the best years!
I remember getting introduced to quaaludes in my sophomore year of high school which would have been 1976.
I tried it with my best friend and we knew immediately that we had discovered one of the best drugs ever!
So, It took off from there. So many parties, concerts and fun times. I didn’t remember too many of them, but that was okay.
The most eventful night was when I was driving in Hollywood, FL toward the Hollywood Sportatorium to see a concert. Being just a little bit luded out we were driving on the opposite side of the road for what seemed like miles before the red and blue lights appeared.
My boyfriend at the time fell out of the car and into the canal next to us. I was busy trying desperately to convince the cops that we were on the way to a concert and that we were fine. All this while trying to hang onto the car in order to stand up.
Next came the Breathalyzer test. Definitely failed that. Ended up getting my license taken away for about six months. Had to attend classes.
The most ironic part of this story is that there was absolutely no concert scheduled for that night. To this day, I had no idea where I was headed or what I was doing.
Gosh, the good old days. That was an era that will never be forgotten. It’s just too bad that it came to an end way too soon!
Hi there Mr Q
just received your mouse pads and I just love them I was a teenager back in the seventies and had a great time.
I know that they stopped making them but even the ones that chemist was making here in Bklyn seemed to stop about 8 years ago.
These kids today are doing junk and have no idea how good they were Maybe you know someone that is back in that biz Yes I am still on the search and won’t give up till I find what I am looking for. If any one knows where they are it would be Mr Q!
Memories brings me back to 1978 – 1979
The cost at that time were 5 per pill
I would have a party and we all would take a lude and smoke some pot listening to Pink Floyd
The downside was not remembering the next day what or who you did. Lol
It was the late 70’s, we were teenagers, birth control was free to women of any age, Quaaludes were plentiful and there was no such thing as AIDS. I could cry to think about it.
But perhaps my favorite tale of ‘Ludeness happened just a couple of years ago. I am fortunate enough to live in Colorado where we’d come to our senses a few years before that. I had had an unfortunate recent occasion to enlist the aid of my small town cops with some agro neighbors. Seeing the constable who had quelled the unruly miscreants as I ambled about a music festival, I approached said officer to offer my thanks. He looked at me with a purse-lipped scowl, turned and walked away. It was only later that I realized I had just spoken to a cop while wearing a Quaalude hat and with a fat joint over each ear. Not everything has gotten worse since we were kids…
I love ludes oh so much.
It was the driving that got tricky.
Wrap up many a car playing pong on the way home.
But oh how the women luved those things.
Always a fun night till i had 1 or 3 too many.
God I miss those days. being an adult just sucks without them.
No martini, just a lude to kick back and im golden
Back in 1969, I was dating a girl, whose mother was a nurse.
She had a giant shopping bag full of pharmaceutical samples, so one day, we went through it looking for secenol, tuinol or black beauties.
None of them, but we did find a bottle of 500 ‘Ludes and it ended up being a pretty mellow summer for our little gang of juvenile delinquents.
In 1978, I was living in North Carolina. Four of us would get together once a week at the local bar and would each eat two 300mg ‘Ludes and order a pitcher of beer.
This particular evening I ate an extra 300mg. They were mine anyway. Drank a few extra beers and set out for home, to chill and smoke some herb.
I was almost home when I saw blue and red flashing lights… I swear to this day I thought it was an accident. I went around everybody but it was a roadblock to catch drunk drivers.
Cop cars chased me down and I finally pulled over to see what was the matter. They arrested me for drunk driving but I had only 2 beers.
The judge threw the case out as the State Trooper was swearing I was drunk. If they only had known, it was a DUI, not a DWI.
I miss 1978!
Someone buys ten small memorabilia Quaalude pharmaceutical bottles from me as gifts to old friends who use to sell Ludes for him back in the late 70’s. Turns out he hired a German chemist in 1978 to make a batch of methaqualone.
Made some very good money until busted, then did a year and a half after being popped. When he got out, he moved away and started a CPA firm.
Now, with over 40 employees, he tells me his Quaalude story and sends me a picture of a twin-engine Beechcraft he now owns. The airplane and the company all from the seeds & success of the sale of Quaaludes!
Most of the Quaalude stories I heard over the years were similar to a buddy of mine, who was pulled over by the police while weaving down the road back in the mid-1970s.
As he stumbled out of his car, 6 Ludes fell out of his top pocket on the ground. He quickly scooped them up and devoured them before the cop walked up. The cop found some pot in his car and he was arrested.
Needless to say, his booking and stay overnight after eating 6 Quaaludes was the experience of a lifetime.
One time on Quaaludes me and my buddy popped 2 pills in 15 minutes. 20 minutes after we took the pills we were in the hot tub drinking a beer.
Then we got to the twitchy phase of the pill, it was the best body massage of my life especially since we were in the Hot tub with the jets on!
After being removed from the club for knocking people over while trying to dance while on ‘Ludes, driving the wrong way down a one-way street, they finally got her to his place.
They tore off their clothes, and tried to make it up the stairs but couldn’t and kept falling down. Finally, they gave up and had sex on the stairs, next morning woke up on the stairs with carpet burns all over their elbows & knees.
My high school buddy who I shared a house with back in the 1970s, had someone ask him to hold onto a pill press machine and a pillow case full of methaqualone powder. He thought he would run to the local health food store and get some empty capsules and cap up some “Quaaludes” from the powder.
He must have ingested too much powder while capping up the new ‘Ludes because he fell asleep at the table and drooled all over a bunch of the methaqualone powder.
Well, it stuck and dried to the side of his face like plaster of Paris and when his girlfriend woke him up and saw his condition she laughed so hard she couldn’t catch her breath!
Child of the 70s here. After reading the posted stories I feel I have to include mine.
So High School years were 73-76, during this time I was let’s say I was a sought out person to the students of the school I went to, not for Lude’s but most everything else. Due to this, I met a guy who’s family happened to own a pharmacy in the local area. He somehow had acquired pharmacy size bottles of various pills including Ludes. I mean these contained thousands each, the big brown bottles about 6″ x 18″.
Anyway, he held a party at his rented home, it was there all was discovered. You know how groups formed that did coke and kinda hid away from everyone else? Well, the same thing happened when I said to our little group “let’s put some powered ‘ludes on top of a bowl of weed”. Well, all I can say is this group huddled around the pipe for so many hours that when we finally came out no one else was there and the sun was up…
So if you took a couple ‘ludes and then continued smoking them the high would never leave just kind level off, and man was it great to have that high last for hours upon hours and not worry about od’ing or passing out.
Just sharing, if you didn’t smoke em you missed out big time…
Doc K
I can say without doubt I’ve seen my share of the rehab’ centers throughout my life. I even humped a nurse at one center.
Quaaludes were the only pill that after you took your first one you were looking for a doctor of your very own.
Within 10 mins you got that tingling sensation running your fingers thru your hair. If you were going to smoke a joint it was best pre-rolled or a pipe. LoL
I took my 1st at a small Lude get together Bowling Green. About 8 or 10. Kent had just bought a new Pioneer Quad Stereo and a few QS albums and Marshall Tucker’s newest
He had four huge speakers in apartment. We ordered pziza and beer. The Marshall Tucker Band wasnt QS but after one Lude and 2 tokes I was blown away to this day. (I stored all my albums in a cedar chest)
The next day I awoke to a Doberman licking pizza off my face. The other one was busy cleaning other guests’ faces.
My Greatest 1st Experience
The Doctor.
Another story I’m reminded of is about one of the many Quaalude Doctors who wrote prescriptions at that time. Doctor Fertig’s office was located on Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn. Doc Fertig was housed in one of those big-ass old homes in Brooklyn that was probably built right after WWII. His waiting room was controlled by a couple of fairly huge “Security Guards” compliments of the Local Crime Family, and otherwise known as his partners. Needless to say, it was very interesting set-up. The Mafia sought out doctors who were at the end of their careers, and set-up shop for them under the guise of a “Diet Clinic”. To the authorities the doctor would prescribe “Tenuate” which was used in the treatment of obesity, and then write you a script for 60-Quaaludes to help you sleep. The Mob also “forged” a relationship with many local pharmacies, who they would refer you to upon leaving the doctors office. I should also mention that all transactions were done on a cash basis, and the Security Guards “wink-wink” were the bank for the Clinic.
It was rumored that Doc Fertig, who lived in one of the exclusive “Five Town” neighborhoods in Long Island, and had a very prestigious career, also had a severe problem with the ponies, which is why in his 70’s he reverted to banging out scripts for the Mob. He was absolutely scandalous, and loved hearing you recite stories about how your sex life was troubled, and how you needed Quaaludes to take off the edge and make everything right. His office was always overflowing and quite chaotic, and on several occasions the authorities temporarily shut him down. Soon after Hamilton Jordan, who was President Carters Chief of Staff got busted for Quaaludes & Cocaine while driving through Washington, D.C., Quaaludes went from being a non-controlled substance to a controlled substance, and mandated the use of triplicate prescription forms. I was actually in Doc Fertig’s office before and after the introduction of triplicates, and once triplicates were here to stay the authorities became much more aggressive with Doctors writing these scripts, and actively trying to shut them down.
On one occasion, I was in Doc Fertigs office on a lovely spring afternoon in the Mid-70’s patiently awaiting my turn to see the doctor. All of a sudden the front door opened and a couple of very clean cut dudes wearing wind-breakers with the initials “DEA” written across the back stormed through the reception area. I thought to myself, how rude for them to jump in front of the line, and wondered why they just couldn’t wait their turn like the rest of us. No matter, the waiting room is packed with patients, the security guards are nowhere to be found, and fights between patients who were waiting what seemed like days escalated to a fairly high level. Suddenly the door to Doc Fertigs private office flies open, and two of these DEA Agents are carrying Doc Fertig out of the office by holding him from under his arms. As the Doc is passing through the reception area (his feet aren’t touching the ground so he appears to be moving through the air like a celestial body) he pauses when he gets to me, looks me strait in the eyes and says, “I’ll be back tomorrow don’t go anywhere”. At this point the droves of patients in the waiting room empty out onto the streets of Brooklyn, not high and very dry. I go home for the night and come back bright & early the next day, and guess who’s back in action sitting behind that big desk writing scripts, you guessed it, good old Doc Fertig. Our prayers are answered.
Unfortunately, that was to be one of my last visits to the Doc, and years latter when I had nothing better to do I looked him up on the Internet, and I found that his fate was eventually sealed by the DEA and the Criminal Court System of New York. Long live Doc Fertig, the man, the myth, and the legend!
Circa 1970’s.
I say Circa 70’s because it was the lost decade for me, and trying to recall the exact year is a little challenging. There are so many stories to tell, some of which ended in disaster, and others ended with a smile on my face that’s still there today. Firstly, I think it’s safe to say that C16H14N2O1 “Methaqualone” better known as “Ludes” transformed each and every one of us. It didn’t matter if they were A.S. Sopers, Parist 400, Wallace 400, Rohrer 714, Lemmon 714, or just Bootlegs; girls who were seemingly unapproachable one day had to dragged out of my bed after dropping a “Q” or two the next. It was just freaking unbelievable, and I loved every moment of it! Who knew that a little white pill would open up the floodgates to the party of the century, and would keep it going for as long as supplies last…
One story that comes to mind happened in the winter of 1974 (I actually was able to figure out the year) in Silver Springs, Maryland. I was at a friend’s apartment not too far from American University, and we were partying away. I’m dropping another said Bernstein, I’m taking three said Goody, this is my fourth mumbled Bravo, and Linda who was the hottest Porsche-Driving Coed on campus, was already higher than all three of us. So we rolled into the winter night in route to the biggest party of the season. Three crazed dudes loaded to the hilt, all stuffed into a brand spanking new 911 Targa with the hottest babe on campus, OMFG! It was like we died, went to heaven, and heaven turned out to be like an episode of Californication & Baywatch all rolled into one. We were flying through Silver Springs at the speed of light, and as the poor little 911 was struggling to keep up a funny thing happened on the way to the fair! Some of you may be familiar with the occasional sound of sirens, or the illumination of red & blue beacons in the night, but if your not, we got pulled over by Silver Springs finest “The Police”. It was like my life flashed before me, we were definitely going to be late to the party, I was wondering if they were going to call my parents in NYC, and I was desperately trying to figure out how I could still hook up with my little Porsche-Girl regardless of the ensuing Police situation.
In the next moment a flashlight was in our faces, and a voice was telling us to follow behind to the Silver Springs Police Station. Upon arriving at the station the officer told all of us to get out of the Porsche. Even though I was riding shotgun I was the last person out of the car. Unfortunately, I was not able to stand without holding on to the roof of the car, and when the officer asked my name, I spoke in a language that was only decipherable by individuals who had ingested in excess of 900-miligrams of Methaqualone, and my Policeman was not that guy. So as my three friends were invited into the station for questioning & sobriety testing, which I might add was undetectable with a Breathalyzer, I was very sternly warned to stay in the car or I would be spending the night in the corner suite, just a stoners throw from where the car was parked. So I went back into the 911 and began to ponder our situation. While in the midst of my pondering I discovered another “Q” in the little change pocket of my Wranglers, and I thought “perfect” I could split the Lude with Porsche-Girl, and we could get naked & crazy somewhere in the police station, Perfection!
So what to do? I thought there must be a vending machine somewhere inside the police station, so I’ll just go inside drop a couple of quarters in the machine, grab a soda, grab my girl, drop our Lude, find a room or whatever somewhere in the confines of the Silver Springs Police Station, and Partay!!!!! So after much finessing I get out of the car, but now my balance and speech are much worse than they were about 20-minutes earlier. So in my infinite wisdom, I decide to crawl on all fours up the steps of the Silver Springs Police Station, get my soda, get my girl, split our Lude, get a room, and Partay! However, as I’m about halfway up the steps to Nirvana I feel a tap on my shoulder, it’s of course another friendly officer enquiring as to my name & what do I think I’m doing. I immediately muster up all of the energy & sobriety available to me throughout the universe, and as I struggle to stand upright & form the syllables that state my name, I am placed in some very attractive bracelets & carried to my corner suite for the night. To my chagrin, my three friends pass me in the hallway on their way out of the station, and on to the party of the season. Porsche-Girl is dismayed by the turn of events, but recovers quickly by hooking-up with another dude in my absence, and I am stuck in Silver Springs for the long evening. As I sat there in my suite it occurred to me that I no longer had to split my Lude with the most recent object of my affection, Elation! So I reached in my pocket, stopped drooling for 20-seconds, threw back the “Q”, and went to sleep for the evening.
Needless to say, I was never welcomed back to the Silver Springs Police Station, but Porsche-Girl did pick me up in the morning, and consequently the partay continued for the rest of that decade.
I was working in a pharmacy many years ago when a Rorer salesman brought in Quaalude samples to introduce his “new” product. He dropped off 2 boxes, 96 bottles, each containing 6 tablets and Left 4 additional boxes in ER.
A few weeks later they were selling on the street for ten dollars each and soon after that, happily married nurses were seen screwing in the stairwells…
I rode out the Quaalude era with some or the wildest stories you could ever imagine! Some day I hope to write a book about it—Damnedest thing I ever experienced.
Oh, the memories!!! I just turned 70 on September 18th. I wish I found your site a long time ago. One of my fondest 714 memories was from sometime in the very early 70’s. Can’t really remember. don’t know why. Do you??? Well, a few of my friends decided to go bowling while quite loaded on ‘ludes.
I don’t think any of our scores got above 50 before we were asked to leave. I do remember falling down as we were leaving and hitting my head on the bumper of my car. No problem, I still could drive home. I did make it home and fell out on the couch only to wake up very late the next day with a large knot on my head and the size 9 rented bowling shoes still on my feet. Thanks again for stirring my memory bank!!!
P.S. I’m ordering a hat.

Share a Quaalude Story
“Quaaludes represented less than 2% of our sales but created 98% of our headaches.”