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Quaalude Koozies


  • How about a…Quaalude koozie? Keep yer beer cold, yer iced-tea chilled, yer soda, etc.! AND make a statement too! “I Love Quaaludes!”
  • Imagine your buds’ & gals’ eyes when they see your custom made Quaalude koozie! “Holy shit, where did you get THAT?!” After all, our Quaalude items cannot be found anywhere else in the…universe!
  • Definitely, ONE-OF-A-KIND! After spotting your unique Quaalude koozie, your former Quaaludeheads drift off and the long-forgotten Quaalude memories begin to reappear, packed in mothballs for almost 40 years!
  • Try our unique zippered long-neck koozies, perfect custom fit for that favorite brew! “Is it Miller Time?” “Make mine a Bud!” $12.00 each, as quantities last.
  • How about a flexible koozie for those on the go? Just fold it up & put it in your pocket and show it off at your favorite biker bar, neighborhood tavern, or local Veterans meetings! $10.00 each, while still around
  • Or try the solid foam 12 oz. koozie, it holds its round shape no matter how many flights of stairs you succumb to. Great for the house, the park, picnics and such. $10.00 each, as supplies last.
SKU: quaalude-koozies Category: Tags: , , , , , ,

Additional information

Koozie Styles

Zippered Long-Neck Koozie ($10.99), Flexible Koozies ($8.99), Solid Foam Koozie ($8.99)


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