They called it the Summer of Love
Freedom. Free Love. Free Speech. Simple concepts clearly supported in the constitution of America, yet new voices speaking these truths in the 60’s seemed to divide the nation.
On one hand, the suits – big brother, big business, bigotry and the rest of the status quo.
On the other hand, the hippies were driving a new-thought agenda, having accepted the scepter of alternative thought leadership from the beats.
Gotta hand it to the hippies for turning the corporate slogan “better living through chemistry” back on itself as the youth of the nation Turned on, Tuned in, and Dropped Out.
And smack-dab in the middle of this turmoil, Quaaludes were there!
Oh, the memories! The marketing magic behind 714’s, the line scored down the center of each happy little tablet, was engineered for sharing, which we did with all the frequency we could muster. Yes, Quaaludes figure prominently in many of Mr. Q’s happiest memories.
And this is what pisses me off about Quaaludes in the headlines these days. Ass hats like Bill Cosby and Brent Kavanaugh obviously missed the memo, the one about free love being free and consensual and all that.
Establishment cats, dragging the good name of Quaalude through the mud in stories of misogyny and gang rape.
It saddens me to think of how far we have come from the summer of love, and I welcome your thoughts on the topic.
How do you feel about the recent Quaalude headlines?